Monday, July 12, 2010

Food Inc.

-Many of us were surprised to learn that corn is so prevalent in our foods. Why do you think we were so surprised? Why don’t more people know this fact? Do you think the government and food producers have kept it a secret?

I believe people are so surprised is because they think they know exactly what they are eating and where it comes from; what they think they know is really a lie because that is what they were brainwashed to believe from TV. The government and the big businesses don't want people to know this information because it will cause people to worry,and stop buying food therefore making the business and government lose money. I do believe the government have kept it a secret because everyday people keep continuing to buy the food that they produce and put their lives on the line.

-Whose responsibility do you think it is to inform us about what is in our food? Is it our responsibility to find out, the producer’s responsibility to make it more clear, or both? Why do you think so?

I believe it is the government and the Food Safety Board to inform us what we are eating because some people might be allergic. It is our responsibility to learn about this food he producers to inform us more about the food that we eat; This is important because most people want to know the risks of eating this food and the procedures used to make them.

Jeremy Hagins

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