Reading Terminal
The Farmer market and the Reading terminal was two totally different places. A different atmospshere and different people. Even though the two place seem impossible to compare, they did have some similiarties. The differences in the two Markets was space. In the farmers market the space they had was not that big. As for the the reading terminal the space given to the was huge. Giving them more space for more stores and more room for produce. Another difference between the to markets was the atmospshere. In the farmers market it was small and easy to ask questions and recieve answers from the partcipants at the market. While in the terminal it harder to ask question to the store, employees because most of the stores were busy with customers. Also inventory was a big part in the differences. The terminal sold a more variety of food such as meats, clothe, pastries and other item that would be useful. While at the farmers market the inventory seem to be limited to mostly just produce and plants. Similiarity were that ,both markets claim to have fresh and organic produce. Also both markets seem to have help with produce from local farms. Both markets also seem to have no part in conviential farming.
BY: Evan Ned
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